What You Need To Know About Prepositions



ISBN:9789814629126 Author :Seaton, Anne Publishing :Scholastic Learners Subject :Student Book Level Upper Primary+ Pages :136

Product Details

About The Book/Series

What You Need to Know about English focuses on building mastery of expressive English. It provides comprehensive coverage of various aspects of English.

Key Features:
• Simple definitions and example sentences
• Language and grammar notes to strengthen understanding
• Graded exercises for practice and consolidation


這本補充課本專門教一種Topic, 教完每個preposition 仲會有例句同常錯地方,真係無得頂,一書有130 個preposition, 到最後仲有練習重溫。



▌全系列依主題分為以下八書:British and American English、English Expressions、Idioms、Irregular Verbs、Phrasal Verbs、Prepositions、Proverbs and Sayings、Similes and Metaphors。書末附解答。

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