Conquer Comprehension Workbook 5 is specially prepared to provide students with focussed practice on Comprehension, a test component in all major examinations. Why is this book useful to students?
Progressive Learning
The passages are graded into three levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. This enables students to improve as they move on from one exercise to another.
Developing Interactive Readers
The questions aim to develop students’ comprehension and inference skills by helping them to connect, visualise and infer information and to determine its importance in the text.
Interdisciplinary Learning
The passages cover varied themes and topics of interest to students.
Performance Record
Incorporated in the Contents page, the Performance Record gives students a quick and easy way to track their progress.
Tear-out Format
Perforated, the pages can be easily removed for use as tests or worksheets for classroom or home learning.
Vocabulary Booster
A glossary with sample sentences at the end of each exercise enhances students’ understanding of the passage and enriches their vocabulary.
Detailed answers with analysis for MCQ exercises are provided at the back of the book for quick and easy assessment.