Exam Smart Maths Methods - Solve Higher Order Thinking & Challenging Questions Quickly & Easily! is a must-have guidebook and workbook on mathematics problem-solving designed for teachers, parents, students, and all interested in learning interesting techniques to solving mathematics problems. Although it was written primarily for Primary 5 and 6 students in Singapore, the material in the book can be used for high ability students in Years 5 to 8 in the Australian context.
This book highlights various methods to solve higher-order thinking and challenging questions often encountered in top schools’ Mathematics preliminary papers and PSLE Mathematics examinations. The purpose of this book is to improve a child’s ability to solve challenging mathematical questions. The worked examples serve as a step-by-step guide while the carefully designed questions provide the practice. After all, practice makes perfect. This book, therefore, provides an opportunity to discover problem-solving methods through relevant exercises so students can try out the methods introduced. Students will certainly gain fresh insights and ideas through such exposure and practice.
The questions are categorized according to the types of methods to be applied. Each unit illustrates a different method via detailed worked examples and comprises graded questions to provide guidelines for teachers and parents to monitor the child’s progress. Challenging Examination Papers at the end of the book will provide additional practice and assessment on a child’s progress on the mastery of the methods. Teachers, parents and students will find the detailed worked solutions especially helpful in understanding the application of the right methods and shortcuts.