The main objective of Learning English Workbook 1 is to help strengthen and enrich a student’s grasp of the English language.
1. Table of Contents
This shows clearly the key objectives and focus of each exercise and where online activities are tagged, making it easier to identify specific aspects of language learning.
2. Practice Exercises
The exercises are designed to enable learning in the four main areas of Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension and Writing.
3. Glossary
The meanings of selected words from each exercise are found here to build vocabulary and improve comprehension.
4. Answers
The answers can be used as an independent booklet. The answer key contains answers to questions on Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension and model answers for Writing. There are also suggested answers for open-ended exercises.
5. Tear-out Format
This means the lessons and exercises can be easily removed and presented as homework or class work or quizzes. The glossary and answer pages can be removed and filed away for future reference.
6. Additional Reproducible Activities online
Reproducible worksheets on selected topics are available here. These are useful as quick assessments of a child’s understanding of the work taught.
7. Lesson Plans, available FREE online
Ideas and suggestions on how to present each lesson to enhance learning are provided here. These are useful resources for both classroom and home learning.
Learning English Workbook 1
ISBN 9789813214323