Lower Secondary Science Practice Paper Volume B
ISBN 9789814564250
This book is written according to the latest 2013 Ministry of Education Lower Secondary Science syllabus. There are 5 areas spelt out in the syllabus, namely the Science Endeavour, Diversity, Models, Systems and Interactions. Volume A contains the first 3 areas: the Science Endeavour, Diversity and Models. The last 2 areas: Systems and Interactions are assessed in Volume B. As different schools may choose to teach different areas in Secondary 1 and the rest in Secondary 2, it is advisable for parents and students to buy both volumes A and B at the same time.
These practice books are very useful teaching and learning resources. They can be used in the classroom by teachers to assess and monitor their students' understanding of the themes taught or as a self study guide by students for regular review and revision. Each practice paper consists of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions and free response questions. They will definitely help students to be more familiar with the common format of science papers set by teachers in schools. Science teachers will find the questions in this book useful in helping them to get new ideas in setting test and examination papers.