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Show And Tell K2

HKD 99.00HKD 87.10會員折扣



Show And Tell K2 ISBN: 9789814859103 No. of Pages 88




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This series aims to familiarise children with the Show and Tell format so that they can be adequately prepared to handle this component with confidence when they enter primary school.

Each book incorporates topics which are relevant to children and uses lively and colourful illustrationsSpecific vocabulary is introduced in each topic so they will be able to use the appropriate terms in each context. Sample templates are also provided to help children in their preparation of their own presentation. Exercises are provided to reinforce the words learnt by children, in order to help them fully understand and  comprehend its meaning and usage. The exercises encourage children to flex their creative muscle through drawing and using different words in sentences. It is hoped that through these fun exercises and vibrant pictures, not only will children develop their language and speaking skills, but also their self-esteem and confidence as well.

Through this book, children will be equipped with the necessary skills to tackle this component and gain confidence to speak in front of their classmates.

Show And Tell K2

ISBN: 9789814859103

No. of Pages 88
